Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My IQ has dropped at least 100 points in the past 30 minutes and continues to drop...

I am watching "Keeping Up With the Kardashians." I didn't intentionally seek them out; I turned the TV on and POOF! There they were. I've been sucked in. I'm only familiar with Kim, the prettiest out of all the sisters and the amateur porn star. To my surprise, there's a token chubby sister that I think the producers are paying to over eat... You can't have a show filled with only beautiful sisters. Ya gotta have a chubby one to throw some angst into the mix. But the biggest surprise was that there a MOM! In true reality-TV show form she mentioned during this episode that she can't think of a better place to raise her daughters than Los Angeles. She also thinks being a 'good mom' means booking a 3 page, half-nude magazine spread in Maxim magazine for her second oldest daughter.

Then some random son pops up (didn't realize there was a boy Kardashian). He doesn't realize he's gay and he moves in with his girlfriend. At one point he freaks out about how dirty the apartment is. The girlfriend says, "I just cleaned!" He responds with, "Well you didn't cleaned it good enough!" No typos, folks. That's what he said and dammit, he meant it.

It's a shame. No one on the show is particularly smart. I'd say they're a special kind of stupid, the kind that makes you stupid, too, just by watching. But they are all gorgeous...the guys, the gals, the chubby one (and really, she's not chubby by civilian standards).

In this country if you're gorgeous and born into money, chances are you'll get your own TV show, even if you have nothing to say. And for the rest of us suckers who have to work for a living, we sign up on a free blog site and hope people read it.

I'd say it was unfair, but I don't care that much.

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