Thursday, January 29, 2009

I bet rodeo clowns would be really good at running with the bulls in Spain.

I can’t help but think this job situation is a sign from God telling me to change careers. I figured I’d put a list together of things I could do that not only would I enjoy doing, but also would make the world a better place.

Pie-Packer at McDonald’s. Who doesn’t like pie? It’s in enough demand to keep me busy, but not so busy that I’m overwhelmed.

The Crowner at Burger King. I can be the lady who hands out the crowns! Crowns make everyone happy. Think about the worst day you’ve ever had. Now imagine wearing a crown on that same day. See? I bet it made that memory a little brighter.

Crumb scraper. Ever go to a restaurant and after the meal (but before dessert) the waitress/waiter comes over and uses that little metal scraper to get the crumbs off the table? Imagine how much time I could save them if I did it FOR them. It makes the patrons happy because I’ve rescued them from crumbs. I could take the crumbs and feed them to birds and old people in nursing homes…it’s a win-win for everyone involved!

Stupid. That’s right, I could be “stupid.” Do you realize how many people own “I’m with Stupid [arrow]” t-shirts and never wear them because really, they don’t know anyone stupid. Talk about a waste of 100% Cotton! I could be that person! We’d hang out side by side and you could finally wear your shirt. Everyone would laugh at how funny you are and it would result in your increased popularity. You're happy, they're happy, we're all happy, and I'm stupid!

Alright, so that’s all I’ve got so far. I'm confident I could master all of these. I might even toss in a clever skill, like plate spinning, to help double or even quadruple the happiness quotient. Everyone likes plate spinners. How can you not? They usually wear cool, bedazzled clothes and EVERYONE loves bedazzles. They’ve got long sticks – sticks are just plain fun! And then the spinning plates. It’s like a one-man Cirque de Soleil! It really doesn’t get much better than that.

I’ll let you know what I end up doing.

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